What To Do If You Think Your Austin Home Has Termites

a termite infestation

You've looked high and low for the signs of termite activity near your home but have come up empty each time you do. You're uneasy about the fine sawdust piles around your baseboards and walls and increasingly concerned about hollow-sounding wood. This is a tricky line to walk as a homeowner. You don't want to go overboard or overreact if it's nothing. However, you feel pretty strongly there's something amiss – and a termite infestation may be to blame.

If you think your Austin home has termites, you can use this article to get a definitive answer. But what do termites really look like up close? And how can you zero in on an infestation around your property? Here's what you need to know about termites and our pest control services in Austin.

It's Unlikely That You'd Actually Ever See A Termite

Termites are incredibly secretive pests and are known for their sneakiness around Austin properties. Not only do they move through concealed mud tunnels, but they're very good at masking their presence until the colony's too big to ignore.

So how can you tell if you have a termite infestation? Keep an eye out for these signs and symptoms:

  • Sagging walls
  • Patches of water damage on ceilings
  • Hollow-sounding wood when tapped
  • Frass piles
  • Mud tunnels
  • Termite wings near doors and windows
  • Termite swarmers inside or outside your home

If you're still struggling to spot a termite infestation on your own, you can reach out to EnviroGuard for a full inspection and report.

The Range Of Property Damage Termites Can Create

We all know termites are bad for our homes, but just how dangerous can these wood-eating insects be? Research suggests these pests cost United States property owners more than five billion dollars yearly. That's no small feat for a 1/4-inch long bug!

Termites cause a wide variety of property damage to homes, ranging from structural damage to reduced curb appeal. Left alone to their own devices, these insects can reduce your property value as well. If you're worried about a potential invasion getting into your Austin property, the best course of action is to contact EnviroGuard for termite treatments immediately.

Reasons And Factors For Termite Infestations

You've done all the right things and applied all the right products. And yet, a termite infestation still found its way to your property. Don't beat yourself up for trying your best – the truth is these insects are increasingly difficult to control.

Many termite infestations are attracted to untreated wood in your home. If you didn't get termite prevention treatment for your home during its initial construction, you may be unwittingly vulnerable to future attacks. Termites are also attracted to the wood outside your home. Improperly stacked firewood piles are a major part of this, as well as landscape mulch and rotting stumps near the sides of your home.

Thankfully, termite control in Austin is a cinch with the right tools and tactics. And for hundreds of properties in Austin, EnviroGuard is providing the most efficient solution.

Contact The Professionals At The First Sign Of Termites

Termites are a dangerous pest in any Austin home. If you think or know they may have infiltrated your property, it's best to go with your gut and get a full termite inspection from a professional team like EnviroGuard. We have everything you need to get rid of termites in your homefast and rest easy knowing your home is safe and sound.

You shouldn't need to stay up late worrying about your property, and you don't need to worry about putting your loved ones at risk. Instead, you can partner with the team at EnviroGuard to defend your home for years to come. We would be happy to provide you with personalized advice and support your next steps with proven treatments. Reach out today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Austin.