The Key To Keeping Your Pets And Family Safe From Rodents In Austin

close up of mouse in leaves

Mice and rats are worrisome pests for several reasons. They chew through wood and wires, causing structural damage to homes and fire hazards. Rodents also carry and spread infectious diseases that can make you and your family sick. 

It's important to stop a rodent problem at the earliest signs of an infestation. Read on to learn more about the rodents that invade local homes and why EnviroGuard is a trusted source of quality pest control in Austin.

What Are The Types Of Property-Invading Rodents In Austin?

Several different types of rodents commonly invade local homes. Here are four species and their identifying characteristics:

  • Roof Rat: These rodents with long tails have a thin body with a scaly tail. Roof rats can be up to 16 inches in length. They have smooth, brown fur and often have white or gray bellies. Their ears and eyes are large, and they have pointed noses.
  • Deer Mouse: You will commonly find this mouse in rural areas. They can be anywhere from five to eight inches in length. Deer mice are brown with white feet and large eyes.
  • House Mouse: This mouse species is the most common rodent home invader. They have gray bodies with cream-colored undersides. They have round bodies with pointy ears. They're relatively small compared to other rodents, ranging from two and a half to almost four inches in length.
  • Norway Rat: These rats are smaller than roof rats, between seven and nine inches in length. Their fur is brown with scattered black hairs, and they are long with a thick body. Norway rats have small eyes and ears and a blunted nose.

If you see any of these kinds of rodents scurrying around your property, you may have an infestation.

Making Sure Pet Food Doesn't Become Pest Food 

Rodents are omnivores and will eat anything when they're hungry. This includes your pet's food. Most dog foods contain both protein and fat, which rodents find especially tasty. Even worse than these pests stealing your pet's food as a snack is how they contaminate it. If mice or rats come into contact with your dog or cat food, they can spread harmful diseases. Their fur and feces contain germs and bacteria, which spreads wherever rodents travel. Your pet could become very sick if they eat contaminated food. 

To protect your pet food from contamination, store it in an airtight container with a locking lid. Avoid leaving pet food out overnight and wash out their bowls at the end of every day. If your pet grazes throughout the day, consider switching to a timed feeding schedule to give pests less access to the food. 

How To Use Pest Control Products Safely Around Kids & Pets

Popular rodent pest control solutions like snap traps and poison baits are very effective at killing rodents. Unfortunately, they're extremely unsafe for your family and pets. Accidentally eating rat poison can have serious health consequences that require emergency medical attention. If a curious puppy or toddler gets too close to a snap trap, they could severely injure themselves.

Instead of using harmful rodent control solutions, opt for more natural methods. Marigolds, daffodils, rosemary, and peppermint are all plants that deter rodents. Consider placing them around your property to keep mice and rats away. Make sure to seal all gaps and cracks in your walls and foundation to cut off access to your home. Some homeowners use ultrasonic devices that emit extremely irritating sounds to rodents. The sounds are at a frequency that humans and household pets can't hear. When natural pest control methods fail, it might be time to contact an exterminator like EnviroGuard.

How To Safely Get Rid Of Rodents In Austin And Keep Them Away

To get rid of rodents for good, contact EnviroGuard. Our environmentally-friendly pest control solutions guarantee satisfaction. Call us today to learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment.