Why Are Fleas In Corpus Christi So Hard To Get Rid Of

flea on white blanket

Fleas are not just a nuisance to your family's pets. If they make their way inside your home, it could quickly lead to an out-of-control infestation. These pesky bugs are tough to get rid of without professional assistance, and many do-it-yourself flea removal solutions fail to solve the problem.

Stop a flea infestation before it starts. This informative guide contains everything you need to know about fleas and why EnviroGuard is a trusted source of pest control services in Corpus Christi.

Fleas - Types, Facts And How To Identify

There are a few different types of fleas commonly found in Texas. All fleas are wingless and rely on their springy legs to jump from place to place. They also bite both humans and animals. Here's a list of each species along with their identifying characteristics:

  • Cat Flea: These fleas are the most common type in the United States. They're brownish-back and become dark red after feeding. Adults are around 1/8" in length, and you can see them with the naked eye. Females have disproportionately small heads.
  • Dog Flea: This species of flea looks similar to the cat flea, except it has a more bristly appearance. Both cat and dog fleas latch onto a variety of different hosts, despite what their name suggests
  • Human Flea: The human flea is larger than both the cat and dog flea. It has a smooth outer appearance and a rusty brown color.

If you notice any of these fleas on your pets or in your home, it might be time to get in touch with a local exterminator.

The Life Cycle Of The Common Flea

The flea life cycle consists of four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and finally, adult. The time it takes to complete the cycle is dependent upon the environment. Fleas prefer temperatures between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and a complete cycle can take anywhere between a couple of weeks to several months.

Female fleas produce eggs after a blood meal and will lay them either on their host, which is often your pet, or in your home. If there are eggs on your pet, they tend to fall off as they move around, further exacerbating an infestation. After a period of up to two weeks, the eggs hatch and become larvae. Flea larvae often have a dirt-like appearance. 

During the cocoon stage, larvae spend time morphing into adults. This stage can take years, as a flea will not leave the cocoon until conditions are perfect. Many homeowners find fleas around their homes during this portion of the life cycle. Once the adult flea leaves the cocoon, it will immediately seek out a food source. 

Three Reasons Fleas Are So Hard To Eliminate

Unfortunately, many over-the-counter flea treatments fail to eliminate home infestations. If you are struggling to get rid of fleas, here are three possible reasons why:

  1. They reproduce rapidly. Although the flea life cycle can take up to several years to complete, fleas lay eggs at a rapid pace. A female can lay as many as 50 eggs per day. If your pet has flea eggs on them, they easily spread to wherever your pet goes, making it hard to eradicate them completely.
  2. They have hard exteriors. Fleas have a tough outer shell, or exoskeleton, that serves as body armor. It's extremely difficult to crush these bugs to kill them.
  3. They are very nimble. These tiny insects can jump long distances and elude any attempts to catch them. Because they are small, once they leap out of your sight, it's tough to figure out where they've landed.

The best way to get rid of fleas is to work with an exterminator skilled in flea removal, like EnviroGuard. 

Control, Extermination & Prevention Of Fleas

When do-it-yourself flea prevention methods fail, contact the experts at EnviroGuard. Our extensively-trained technicians use the latest pest control solutions to eliminate even the toughest infestations. We'll treat both your property's interior and exterior areas to make sure fleas stay away for good. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.