Are The Bed Bugs In San Antonio Giving You A Headache?

bed bug crawling in fabric

There are lots of pests here in San Antonio that give people stress headaches. One local species that might be driving you crazy is the bed bug. Many people are frustrated with these invasive insects and don’t even know they are the cause of their stress. Today we will talk about how to identify bed bugs in San Antonio and the best ways to deal with an infestation inside your home.

If you already know these pests are around and need immediate treatment options to address the problems you are facing, contact our team at EnviroGuard. We know a lot about bed bug pest control in San Antonio and are ready to put our experience to work for you and your home.

The Lifecycle Of The San Antonio Bed Bug

The bed bug is a fascinating little creature. Unlike many insects in our area that only live for a few days or a month, the bed bug can survive for over a year in optimal conditions. Even more interesting than this, this pest can live without a blood meal for several months. Keeping all of this in mind, it is rare that bed bugs find fully optimal conditions or stay in them long enough to live a long and happy life. If these pests find their way into your home, however, they will establish a home, make babies, and continue to be a problem for months. If you don’t want bed bugs living indoors with you or your family, you must identify them early and remove them quickly.

How Can I Tell If I Have A Bed Bug Infestation?

One of the best ways to identify a bed bug infestation is to look for the signs these pests leave behind. The only problem is that most signs do not show up until months after the initial infestation. Keeping this in mind, here are three early warning signs of bed bugs:

  1. Bite marks on your skin that run in a straight line or zig-zag pattern
  2. Live reddish brown, ¼” long bed bugs crawling around your bed or furniture at night
  3. Blood stains on your bed covers

For more help with bed bug identification, consider bringing in our team at EnviroGuard for a detailed inspection.

Five Tips For Bed Bug Prevention

Our goal at EnviroGuard is to help you in every way we can to avoid bed bugs. Because conventional pest control cannot prevent these pests, you must know how to combat these bugs on your own. Here are five basic bed bug prevention tips to start:

  1. When traveling, check the rooms you will be staying in for signs of bed bugs before settling in.
  2. Inspect used clothing, furniture, and other second-hand items for bed bugs before buying them.
  3. Do not leave items on the ground for more than 20 minutes while in public.
  4. Before traveling home from vacation, store used clothing in a sealable bag. Wash this clothing on high heat after you get home.
  5. Inform your family and friends about bed bugs so they can avoid bringing these pests into your home.

If you are currently dealing with an active infestation, do not be afraid to call our team at EnviroGuard for a detailed inspection.

How To Keep Bed Bugs Away From Your Home Forever 

There is only one easy and effective method for bed bug control. It involves hiring a team of professionals. For fast and detailed services, let our team at EnviroGuard know you need help. We are a locally recognized pest control company with decades of experience in this field.

Call now to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment for your San Antonio home.