Eco-Friendly Mosquito Control For Corpus Christi Residents


Nobody wants to spend their summer swatting away at mosquitoes, but unfortunately, that’s often the reality for many Corpus Christi residents. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be. Here’s what Corpus Christi homeowners should know about why mosquitoes are important for the environment, how mosquito control has worked in the past, the diseases that mosquitoes can transmit, and some natural ways to keep them out of your yard with pest control in Corpus Christi

What Is The Purpose Of Mosquitoes In Corpus Christi?

It may not seem like it, but mosquitoes do serve a purpose in Corpus Christi. Not only do they play a major role in the food chain and feeding other animals, like fish, frogs, and bats, but they’re great pollinators too. 

Across the world, mosquitoes also play a big role in defending the earth’s rainforests. With so many mosquitoes in the rainforests, it makes it difficult for humans to tear down or develop these parts of the world, so they’re actually helping the environment. 

In fact, while mosquitoes seem to get a bad rap for biting people, only a small portion of mosquito species suck blood or bother humans at all. 

A Brief History Of Mosquito Control

Humans have been fending off hungry mosquitoes for centuries, and as a result, there have been a lot of developments with mosquito control. Centuries ago, Native Americans relied on pants, like citronella, rosemary, and catnip, to ward off mosquitoes, which is still a tactic used today. 

During the 1900s, the government and farmers began using DDT to control mosquito populations, which ended up being more harmful than helpful. 

Today, many pest control companies use a combination of eco-friendly, effective treatments as well as natural methods – like reducing standing water sources – to combat local mosquito populations in Corpus Christi. 

The Diseases Mosquitoes Can Transmit

Besides the itchy bites they may leave on your skin, mosquitoes can also be concerning because of the diseases they’re capable of transmitting to people, such as: 

  • West Nile virus 
  • Yellow fever
  • Dengue fever
  • Chikungunya virus 
  • Zika virus 
  • Malaria 

While not all mosquitoes carry these diseases, there’s always the risk of encountering a disease-ridden mosquito, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. 

Natural Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Yard

Some of the natural ways to combat mosquitoes include: 

  • Remove standing water sources from your yard, like puddles, flooded gutters, or birdbaths, to prevent mosquitoes from breeding there.
  • Plant mosquito-repelling plants, like citronella, rosemary, or catnip.
  • Keep up with regular lawn maintenance like cutting your grass and trimming shrubs so that mosquitoes have fewer shady places to rest.

Besides the tips listed above, the most effective way to control mosquito populations in your yard is with professional help from EnviroGuard. If you find yourself constantly swatting at mosquitoes or covered in bites, don’t wait any longer. Call us today at EnviroGuard to learn more about how our mosquito treatments work or to schedule a visit to your home.