The Ultimate Guide To Earwigs In Laredo: Habits, Prevention And Control

earwig on a plant

Earwigs thrive across Texas and can be a nuisance when they infiltrate homes or cause harm to plants. Earwigs find their way into homes either unintentionally, hitching a ride on items like potted plants, or purposefully when seeking shelter when faced with unfavorable weather conditions.

To eliminate earwigs, you should familiarize yourself with their habits, behaviors, and the potential harm they can cause. Below, you’ll also find tips to establish an unwelcome setting that discourages their presence and learn when to call an earwig exterminator near you.

Insights Into Earwig Habits And Behaviors

Earwigs exhibit semi-social behavior, often gathering in groups, especially in larger aggregations where they can cause noticeable harm to plants. Mother earwigs display maternal care by tending to earwig larvae until they transform into nymphs. In some instances, the mothers even continue their protection until a baby earwig bug no longer strays from home after seeking food.

Primarily active at night, earwigs prefer outdoor habitats and are not inclined to inhabit indoor spaces. They can access homes through plants, fruits, or other objects. These insects might also venture indoors in pursuit of sustenance and moisture or if their external environment becomes inhospitable due to bad weather conditions.

Dark and moisture-rich areas attract earwigs. They are more likely to inhabit crawl spaces or basements when they come indoors. Outdoors, they tend to frequent locations like the base of plants, mulched areas, woodpiles, beneath flowerpots, or underneath decks and patios.

Earwigs Can Damage Your Plants

Earwigs feed on various plants, causing damage to young seedlings, flowers, and soft fruits. Earwigs can harm seedlings, soft-petaled flowers like dahlias and roses, soft fruits like strawberries, leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach, herbs like basil and cilantro, and ornamental plants like hostas. 

They target plants with tender foliage and young growth, causing irregular chewed leaves and holes. Look for signs like irregular feeding patterns and missing leaves. Young plants may show stunted growth or wilting due to earwig damage.

Creating An Uninviting Environment For Earwigs

To make your environment unwelcoming to earwigs, start by addressing moisture concerns to deter them from seeking shelter indoors:

  • Seal potential entry points around windows, doors, and foundation walls to prevent their access.
  • Declutter indoor and outdoor spaces to eliminate hiding spots and reduce food sources. 
  • Introduce natural substances like diatomaceous earth, boric acid, or cedar oil to create barriers that discourage earwigs from entering. 

Combining these steps discourages earwig infestations, but it takes more extensive efforts to get rid of earwigs once they invade.

The Trick To Getting Rid Of Earwigs

When dealing with an earwig infestation, consider using these methods to keep these pests out:

  • Humane removal: Gently collect earwigs indoors using a vacuum or a damp cloth, ensuring their safe release outdoors. Set up a simple trap near areas of activity, using a light source to attract earwigs into water. Additionally, strategically placing natural repellents like diatomaceous earth or cedar oil can deter their entry.
  • Trapping and exclusion: Create a DIY earwig trap using damp newspaper tubes in places where earwigs are prevalent. For long-term prevention, focus on sealing potential entry points. Weatherstripping, caulk, or mesh screens can effectively keep earwigs out by closing gaps around windows, doors, and other openings.
  • Gardening adjustments: Use barriers like row covers. Maintain a dry environment, reducing moisture in your garden beds. Introduce natural predators like birds and beetles to control earwig populations and protect your plants.

By combining these approaches, you can effectively address earwig infestations, minimizing harm to both the environment and these unwanted visitors.

Keep in mind that earwigs are persistent pests, and if your earwig problem persists, it’s best to call an earwig exterminator in Laredo.

Contact our service professionals today at EnviroGuard for a free quote. We’ll apply effective preventive measures and provide continuous environmentally-friendly treatments while monitoring your premises closely as a part of our service plan. You can count on us no matter how large or small your infestation is.