Are Fleas In Corpus Christi Hard To Handle On Your Own?

a flea jumping in dog hair

Fleas are tiny, parasitic insects that have, in recent years, been responsible for an increasing number of infestations in Corpus Christi.

Fleas are 1/12 to 1/6 of an inch long with flat, oval-shaped bodies and oversized, powerful hind legs they use to propel themselves across surprisingly large distances. Most flea species are brown or reddish brown and have six legs and a pair of antennae. Fleas can't fly and instead hope around or hitchhike on their victims.

Their life cycle is very simple, similar to butterflies. Fleas propagate by laying eggs, with each female flea capable of laying up to 500 eggs in its lifetime. Eggs hatch into larvae and become pupae, eventually turning into full-grown fleas. The whole process only takes a few days, and a flea egg will turn into an adult flea ready to lay eggs in less than a week.

Fleas feed on human and animal blood and can transfer a number of serious diseases. Most often, fleas make their way into your house, hitchhiking in on your pets, or get dropped off in close vicinity by a wild animal and sneak inside.

Let's look at how to repel fleas, how to get rid of fleas if they're already in your house, and where to find top-notch pest control in Corpus Christi.

How To Tell If It's Fleas In Your Home

Fleas multiply fast, making catching the infestation early and promptly taking care of it the best strategy for dealing with a flea infestation in your Corpus Christi home. Watch for the following signs of fleas in your house:

  • Pets are scratching more than usual
  • Fur loss
  • Flea bites
  • Finding adult fleas and eggs
  • Seeing flea feces (flea dirt) on the carpets and animals

Fleas lay their eggs on the victims they feed off of. Since the eggs are not attached, they roll off and spread over a wide area. Make sure to get rid of the flea eggs in your house, or you'll face a reinfestation.

Is It Dangerous To Have Fleas In My House?

While most fleas in Corpus Christi prefer to feed on animals, fleas biting humans is a very common occurrence, especially if you're sharing your house with a flea-infested dog or cat.

Fleas carry and can transfer a number of contagious diseases to you or your pets:

  • Murine typhus
  • Tungiasis
  • Tularemia
  • Bartonellosis

Fleas also expose your pets to tapeworms and anemia, and flea feces increases allergic reactions in people.

Why Won't These Fleas Go Away?

In your house, with its warm, comfortable environment, walls separating them from their natural predators, and easy access to food (you and your pets), fleas have just about everything they could desire. Fleas are not likely to leave on their own and will stay in your home, growing their numbers exponentially and living off the blood of your and your four-legged friends.

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas In My House?

Fleas are tiny, barely visible to the naked eye, and flea infestations are commonly not noticed until the number of fleas in the house gets pretty large.

At EnviroGuard, we've been helping Corpus Christi residents get rid of fleas in Corpus Christi homes and evict other unwanted pests for over 40 years. We have the knowledge, tools, and experience to ensure every last bug and its eggs are gone from your home, and there is no need to worry about a reinfestation.

If you and your four-legged friends are under attack by fleas, get in touch with us today to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Corpus Christi and we'll be happy to give you a hand!