Is It Dangerous To Have House Spiders In My Austin Home?

close up of house spider

Austin homeowners that are concerned with whether house spiders can be dangerous are encouraged to contact a properly licensed pest control professional. A fear of spiders often exists because of the way they are depicted in the entertainment industry. Although some types of poisonous spiders do exist, the majority pose very minimal health risks to humans.

Spiders are classified as arachnids and, unlike insects, have eight rather than six legs, are wingless, and lack antennae. They do offer some benefits in nature by reducing the number of flies, mosquitoes, and other types of generally bothersome pests. Among the most common types found in the region include the American house spider, cellar spider, harvestmen (daddy longlegs), wolf spider, and others. 

The American or common house spider has a brown, tan, or grey appearance with darker brown markings. They have dark rings near the end of each leg and many have a dark “triangle-like” marking on the abdomen. The female house spiders typically measure roughly ¼ of an inch, and the males are even smaller. 

What Does It Mean When You Keep Seeing Spiders In Your Home? 

Property owners that consistently notice the presence of spiders should know that this could represent a sign of an existing pest control problem, particularly one involving insects. Being predatory creatures, spiders will typically seek out locations that have an abundance of possible food sources—namely, insects. Fortunately, house spiders are more of a nuisance pest that will not harm humans. 

Understanding The Indoor Activity Of Common Household Spiders 

The American house spider typically prefers secluded areas and damp conditions, which is why they are commonly found in basements and crawlspaces. House spiders produce webs that are used to capture prey, and they often appear funnel-shaped and are positioned near ceilings and windows. 

Ways To Prevent Spiders 

Some of the best preventative measures include: 

  • Conduct an exterior property inspection to identify potential points of entry for spiders, such as cracks near the foundation or gaps around doors and windows, and use caulk, sealant, or weatherstripping to fill these voids. 
  • Inspect boxes, bags, and other containers that are used for seasonal items that are stored in attics, basements, or garages.
  • To avoid attracting insects that spiders consume, sweep up crumbs, wipe down countertops, and avoid leaving dirty dishes out. 
  • Limit the use of bright exterior lighting near entryways that attract flying insects that spiders eat or consider transitioning to the yellowish bulbs that have shown to be less attractive to these pests.

The Importance Of Contacting A Professional 

Some of those who initially recognize a pest-related concern will try home remedies for ousting spiders and other meddling intruders that invade the premises. While many of these options might be suitable for very minor intrusions, they are typically insufficient for more developed infestations that are well-entrenched in hard-to-reach places such as inside walls or below flooring. Weeks or months later, the resilient pests are still present, and feelings of frustration persist. 

Many local property owners are aware that some poisonous spiders exist and have developed a significant fear of spiders. An experienced pest controller has knowledge regarding what kills spiders fast and how to prevent them from returning. 

Experienced Pest Control Company In Austin, TX

The local team of specialists with EnviroGuard Pest Control has decades of combined experience of achieving positive outcomes for home and business owners in this region and is trained to safely banish fleas, ticks, rodents, termites, and dozens of other undesirable pests that infiltrate structures and may pose safety risks. Part of our enduring success stems from a company-wide commitment to offering industry-leading customer service and backing the quality of our performance with a satisfaction guarantee. 

We look forward to speaking with you to schedule a timely inspection of the property and provide you with a treatment plan.