Mouse Control 101: A Helpful Guide For Corpus Christi Homeowners

a small mouse in a home

Mice are a pest commonly encountered in homes during the winter months. However, that isn’t the only time they invade homes in Corpus Christi. As the cooler fall months approach, the threat of these rodent pests increases. Many homeowners don’t know how to deal with mice properly, adding to the issues they can cause over time.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to identify the common house mouse and tell them apart from other rodents, the risks of a mouse invasion in your home, and what you can do to deter these pests from getting inside your home in the first place. Finally, we’ll talk about how our team at EnviroGuard can assist you with safe and rapid pest control services in Corpus Christi.

Identifying The Common Mouse: Differentiating Mice From Other Rodents 

First, let’s go over some of the identifying traits of the common house mouse and what makes this rodent different from others. In general, mice are smaller than rats and squirrels. House mice are usually between 4 3/4 to 7 3/4 inches long. More than half of that length is generally their tails, which are small and have much less hair than their bodies. In contrast, squirrels have bushy tails and are usually longer.

House mice are generally a light gray color with a cream-colored underside, though their color can vary from light brown to dark gray to black, depending on location. While some rats have similar body colors, they tend to be much larger and heavier than mice. You can identify house mice can by their round shape, large ears, and pointed noses.

In the next section, we’ll talk about the dangers a mouse infestation can cause.

Health Risks And Property Damage: The Risks Of A Mouse Infestation

At first glance, mice may not seem like the most dangerous or destructive rodents, but they can cause many problems for homeowners. House mice will eat almost any human food, though they tend to prefer grains. Any food they eat is likely to become contaminated, and they also carry a number of diseases, such as salmonellosis, which can cause diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains. The urine and feces of house mice can also cause allergic reactions and asthma flare-ups. House mice will often leave gnaw marks and oil in areas where they spend a lot of time, and they may damage stored food as well.

Next, let’s talk about how to keep mice out of your Corpus Christi home.

Preventative Measures For Mice: Keep Them Out Before They Get In

As with most pests, the best way to deal with mice is to implement measures to keep them out before they have a chance to get inside.

Here are a few things you can do to keep mice away from your home: 

  • Seal any cracks or gaps in the exterior of your home.
  • Take out the trash frequently.
  • Store food in tightly sealed containers.
  • Clean up food spills as soon as they happen. 

By following these simple mouse prevention tips, you should be able to reduce the chances of encountering a mouse infestation in your home. If you do find yourself dealing with these pests, you can always contact EnviroGuard for effective rodent control services in Corpus Christi.

The Importance Of Prompt Mouse Removal: Call Us Right Away! 

EnviroGuard has been serving homeowners in the Corpus Christi area for years, providing prompt, affordable service with reliable results. With over four decades of experience in the pest control industry, you can count on our team to implement the best, most up-to-date solutions for any pest issue you may be facing. Keeping your family safe and healthy is our number one priority.

Reach out today to help with mice and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Corpus Christi.