San Antonio's Complete Guide To Effective Rodent Control

a house mouse hiding under a home

San Antonio, Texas is a fantastic place to live. Residents and tourists alike love San Antonio for many reasons, including its culture, nightlife, friendly people, and more. San Antonio does have a downside though, and that comes in the form of rodents. Regardless of how much time one spends cleaning their home or property the risk of rodents is always there. Rodents and humans have long had a relationship; humans provide rodents with almost everything they need to survive. Knowing that rodents are always looking for free room and board, it's a good idea to learn a little bit about common rodents in the San Antonio area. Rodents are dangerous and carry a risk of disease, so should you suspect a rodent problem on your residential or commercial property, contact the professional pest control specialists at EnviroGuard Pest Control. 

Why Rodents Are Dangerous

Rodents carry a high risk of disease and contaminate food, water, and personal belongings. They can expose humans both through direct contact and through feces. Rodents spread a long list of diseases including hantavirus, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and tularemia. Rodents are also quite destructive, chewing through everything including wood, plastic, insulation, and wiring, causing structural damage and fire risk. Rodents will nest and breed inside walls, basements, attics, and crawlspaces, and some even burrow underneath plants and other structures. 

Types Of Rodents In San Antonio

There are several kinds of rodents San Antonio residents should keep an eye out for. The three most common are rats, mice, and squirrels.   

  • Rats – In San Antonio, roof rats are a big problem. Roof rats are usually about 8 inches long not including the tail, and are brown with black spots and lighter undersides. Also known as black rats or ship rats, they like the upper levels of buildings, tall shrubbery, and trees. Roof rats breed very quickly and are attracted to things like bird feeders or pet food kept outside, as well as food scraps and garbage. 
  • Norway rats – Norway rats, also called sewer rats, are slightly larger than black rats and can get up to 12 inches long in the body. They usually have brown or gray fur, with some black markings with lighter colored underbellies. Norway rats like to burrow near building foundations, as well as in warm dark areas of homes. Rats can squeeze in through very small holes, even just an inch or so size opening is all they need. 
  • Mice - Mice are an incredibly common rodent to see around San Antonio. Mice can squeeze into a home through a very tiny hole, even just a 1/4 inch sized opening is enough. There are several species that property owners should be aware of. 
  • House mouse - The house mouse is the most encountered mouse across the country and in San Antonio. They are a light gray with a cream-colored belly and have a rounded shape. House mice can be anywhere from 2 to almost 4 inches long. 
  • Deer Mouse - Deer mice like to live outside, and often nest in places like hollow trees, piles of debris, fence posts, and more. However, in the colder months or if opportunity strikes, they may seek shelter inside homes, garages, outbuildings, and even parked cars. Deer mice are brown with white-colored feet and lighter underbellies and are slightly larger than house mice, ranging from about 5 to 8 inches long. 
  • Squirrels - Commonly known as an outdoor pest, squirrels can be quite destructive. Along with carrying diseases, they are foragers and are constantly on the lookout for food. They will go into gardens, sheds, even outdoor cooking areas if food is available.  

Simple Rodent Prevention Tips 

  • Seal up all cracks, holes, and tiny openings inside and out of your property.  
  • Keep trash cans covered and use liners to prevent leaks.  
  • Pick up food scraps inside and outside. 
  • Store food in airtight containers.  
  • Store pet food and birdseed in sealed airtight containers, inside if you can.    
  • Make sure doors and windows are closed or screened fully, and cover vents, cap chimneys, and other openings. 
  • Seek professional rodent control guidance if you suspect a rodent problem.

Call The Rodent Control Professionals At EnviroGuard Pest Control

Regardless of the species, rodents can be very hard to trap, and they can cause costly damage, spread disease, and contaminate food. Rodents often develop a resistance to common pest control chemicals and reproduce very quickly. If you see one rodent, it is highly likely there are more. Never overlook a rodent sighting on your San Antonio property. Call the professionals at EnviroGuard Pest Control if you suspect a rodent infestation. If you have a rodent infestation, it may seem an easy problem to fix yourself; however, the safest, most effective way to handle a rodent problem is to call a professional.  Do not take the risk of getting bitten by a rodent or exposing yourself and your family to harmful chemicals or diseases. Let EnviroGuard Pest Control keep your home and family rodent-free.