Should You Be Concerned About The Ticks In San Antonio?

close up of deer tick

Some of the most perilous pests in the world are those that absorb blood from humans or animals. The reason is that they’re able to transmit harmful diseases. Most are very tiny, which enables them to move about without being seen for a while. When they bite, it typically isn’t painful or noticeable. Lesions, bumps, and skin inflammation may be the only indication you have of them. This applies to ticks

Ticks in San Antonio are hard to manage and stay away from. To keep yourself and others well, you need to learn all about these bugs and their risks. This knowledge is required to form a proper deterrence and elimination plan. Store products like tick insecticide aren’t the way to go. EnviroGuard can provide advanced tick control

What Do Ticks In San Antonio Look Like?

Deer and lone star ticks are rampant in the city. Livestock is the main target of deer ticks, hence their name. However, pets or humans are just as attractive to them. The reddish-brown critters are 0.14 to 0.20 of an inch long, and they have eight dark legs. After feeding, females can be 0.39 of an inch. Often, they’re called “black-legged ticks.” This class carries the Lyme disease bacterium.

Lone star ticks have white streaks on their bodies. Females have globular marks on their backs. Akin to the deer species, they walk on four pairs of legs. This subgroup isn’t biased when they want blood; they’ll go after people, wildlife, livestock, or domestic animals.

What Diseases Can Ticks In San Antonio Transmit? 

Among the diseases ticks disperse are:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Tularemia
  • The Heartland virus
  • Lyme disease bacterium
  • Powassan virus

Fatal conditions are also a possibility. Thankfully, tick bites don’t always cause ailments. Should you find one of these bugs on your person, utilize fine point tweezers for removal. Try not to squeeze, smash, twist, or pull the body. If you start to feel sick and have tick bites, seek immediate medical attention. Alarming symptoms are headaches, weakness, nausea, fever, and breathing complications.

How Long Do Ticks In San Antonio Live?

Usually, ticks in San Antonio live for about six months. It’s important to remember that their lifespan can extend, and they're able to survive various conditions. Be watchful when you’re in a shady, humid, or vegetated area, for instance, a forest or the woods. Animal habitats are sensitive as well. These pests thrive in outdoor settings, which can include your lawn. Considering this, tick control is paramount to shield yourself and any pets. Tick insecticide and natural tick prevention techniques are expensive, potentially hazardous, and have low effectiveness. Take these steps to get rid of ticks independently: 

  • Mow the lawn and trim the greenery regularly. Dispose of organic debris.
  • Use tick repellent before entering natural environments. 
  • Wear a long-sleeved shirt, pants, long socks, and boots before going into a tick-heavy location.
  • Look over your clothes and skin when headed indoors. Examine the fur of your pets too. 
  • Discuss tick deterrence and treatments with a veterinarian for your animals. 
  • Wash and groom your pet’s coat on a routine basis. 
  • Contact EnviroGuard if you have pests that ticks could use as a host, like rodents.

Is There A Permanent Solution For Ticks On My San Antonio Property?

Again, shelf goods and natural tick prevention tools won’t do the trick. They just aren’t made to do away with an infestation. We at EnviroGuard have eco-friendly solutions that are industrial-grade. Our treatment options will cover both the interior and exterior. You can depend on us to get rid of ticks, as our technicians are highly trained. Get a free quote when you call today!