Fleas In Bryan, TX: July Pest Spotlight

flea in white hair

The sun is ablaze now in the middle of July, and wherever you are in Texas, you’ll be seeking shade to cool down. And you aren’t the only one. There’s a certain infamous pest that loves the shade just as much we do. Fleas are a predominant summertime nuisance on the radar for Bryan pest control.

Why Does My Pet Keep Having Fleas?

Fleas like to hang out in thick green areas and shade. As an unfortunate coincidence, dogs and other outdoor pets also have a tendency to venture toward these areas. Areas where fleas tend to reside include:

  • Beneath trees
  • In the shade
  • In tall grass
  • In thick bushes or bunches of greenery

Going outside and near any of these areas without any protection is a sure risk of picking up fleas. Fleas can jump quite far, and can quickly find hair to hide away in and skin to bite into. Even if you keep indoor pets, you can pick up fleas yourself, as they like to jump out at your ankles. Though they won’t live on you, fleas on people stow away to find more appropriate hosts.

Can My Pet With Fleas Start A Flea Infestation In My Home?

Your pet might only bring in a couple of fleas at one time, but this can definitely start an entire infestation. If they are satiated or they sense danger, they may abandon their host and dive into carpets or other thick fabrics to lay in wait. Females may already be ready to lay flea eggs, and the blood from your pet may be the last supply of nutrients needed before they lay them around your house. From there, they can begin multiplying at a substantial rate. 

How Quickly Can Fleas Multiply In My House?

Fleas are notoriously prolific, and this alarming rate of reproduction isn’t the only problem. Early stages of life for a flea are impervious to numerous preventive tactics, including insecticides, so spraying for them is generally ineffective. Some facts about flea reproduction are:

  • They can produce 40 to 50 offspring per day.
  • This rate can persist over the course of 50 days, meaning 2,000 eggs from one female’s lifetime.
  • These new generations can reproduce at the same rates when reaching maturity. 

During the pupal stage of life, fleas can survive high temperatures, sprays, and other toxic methods. In addition, there’s no guarantee when the adults will emerge from their protective pupal stage, so an infestation has a high chance of being postponed even after you believe you’ve eradicated them all.

What Can I Do To Protect Myself And My Pets From A Flea Infestation?

Stopping a flea infestation is a proactive effort. If you spot fleas in the house, then you will need to be actively fighting them every other day. Flea control for house and yard areas includes:

  • Make sure you trim, cut, and prune all shrubs, grass, and thick green areas. 
  • Avoid walking through thick areas of grass and greenery.
  • Use flea collars for your pets.
  • Check your pets with a flea comb often, and shampoo them if you find anything.
  • Vacuum frequently. 
  • Wash pet bedding in hot water frequently.

Vacuuming is a major defense against fleas. Not only does it capture them, but the perturbation from the vacuum can cause pupae to emerge early. Pupae survive normal flea control, so coaxing them out of their protection by vacuuming is key. Ultimately, the best way to get rid of fleas is to call a professional.

At EnviroGuard, we know that flea infestations can rapidly get wildly out of control. We have 40 years of combined expertise to formulate the most effective pest control methods for any property in Bryan, TX. Call us for an immediate inspection and guaranteed relief.