How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Laredo Home

wolf spider

Many people assume that all spiders are dangerous, but despite their awful reputation, this isn’t actually the case. In fact, most spiders that we encounter in our homes aren’t very dangerous at all. The majority of home-invading species are harmless, but they do technically have fangs and the ability to bite. It’s just that most don’t have potent enough venom to harm you or even your pets. Yet, being bitten can be painful and disturbing, and nobody wants to have spiders around. That’s why this guide is here to help you remove spiders from your Laredo home.

Spiders In Laredo

Unlike many pests in the area, spiders don’t come inside in search of shelter or water to drink. They also don’t eat our food sources. Instead, they get indoors because they are hunting down their prey. Spiders eat small insects, so having an underlying insect infestation is usually the reason you have spiders, too.

Some of the most common spider species in Laredo include house spiders, wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, and black widow spiders. Brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders are dangerous to humans, but they are much rarer to encounter and unlikely to actually bite.

Here is how you can identify these species:

  • House spiders: This is a term that actually refers to many small, nuisance spider varieties. One of the most common is the orb-weaver spider which is known for its circular webs.
  • Wolf spiders: These spiders can look intimidating as they have hairy legs and stout bodies. They can run quickly and hunt down their prey instead of building webs, but they aren’t dangerous to people.
  • Brown recluse spiders: This species can be hard to identify, they are a tan color and lack markings on their legs but have a violin shape behind their heads.
  • Black widow spiders: One of the easier species to identify, these dangerous pests are jet black with red hourglass markings on their underbellies.

Seven Spider Prevention Tips

Since spiders are attracted to areas that have an excess of insect prey, the best way to go about preventing them is to follow some general pest prevention measures. Here are seven steps you can take:

  1. Store trash correctly by getting lids for all garbage cans.
  2. Always keep kitchen spaces cleaned by wiping up food and drink spills immediately, sweeping and mopping floors, and doing dirty dishes often.
  3. Clear yard debris such as water-damaged wood, mulch, leaf piles, and more.
  4. Store firewood at least 30 feet from the exterior of your house. Make sure all wood piles are kept clean and organized.
  5. Guard against pest and spider entry by sealing holes in the walls and foundation with caulk and repairing broken screens.
  6. Address moisture problems by fixing leaky plumbing and ensuring the rainwater can drain.
  7. Get help from the spider control professionals.

EnviroGuard’s Spider And Pest Prevention Services

The best way to deal with spiders and their prey is with assistance from the pest control technicians at EnviroGuard. We make it easy to deter both spiders and their prey throughout the year, so you don’t have to worry about them anymore. We can also eradicate any current spider problems.

Just give us a call or send us a message online to learn more or request a quote.