Spider Control Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide For Laredo Homeowners

spider hanging on web

Spiders inside the house can be a nuisance, and certain species can be dangerous to have hanging around your family. Whether you fear these pests, are sick of cleaning up webs, or worry that you have risky types in the house, we are here to help. This guide will explain everything you need to achieve successful spider control in Laredo, TX.

We’ll start by describing the most common spider species that invade local homes and review the symptoms to watch for if someone in your family gets a bite. We’ll also provide tips and tricks to help you avoid another spider invasion. Keep reading to learn how to control these troublesome pests with the experts from EnviroGuard.

Types of Spiders: A Guide To The Most Common Species

Learning how to identify the types of spiders infesting your home can help you to accurately gauge their threat level and protect your family from riskier species. The following list describes the most common Texas spiders that invade local homes:

  • House spiders are around 1/4 of an inch long, yellowish-brown with off-white abdomens with dark stripes, and create tangled webs throughout the house.
  • Black widow spiders are around 1 1/2 inches long, black with a red hourglass marking on the abdomen, and create irregular webs at ground level.
  • Brown recluse spiders are up to 1/2 an inch long, light brown to tan with a dark violin-shaped marking on the back, and prefer dark, dry, and warm areas.

If you need assistance identifying or eliminating the spiders in your home, the pros at EnviroGuard are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our spider control services or to get your free quote.

Spider Bite Symptoms: Warning Signs To Watch For

Most of the spiders in Laredo, Texas, are harmless to humans because their fangs aren’t strong enough to pierce our skin, or their venom isn’t potent enough to cause medical problems. The exception is the black widow and brown recluse, both of which are dangerous spiders that can cause significant symptoms. 

After a spider bite, if the person exhibits symptoms like headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing, they should immediately seek medical attention. Contact us today at EnviroGuard for assistance eliminating these risky pests in your home and preventing future encounters.

Preventing Spider Infestations: Practical Tips And Tricks

After we eliminate your infestation, you’ll want to ensure they can’t come back inside. Here are some of our best tips and tricks to keep spiders away from your property and out of the house:

  • Seal cracks and crevices on the home’s exterior to remove entryways.
  • Ensure windows and doors close properly, and the weatherstripping is intact.
  • Reduce clutter in and around your home to eliminate hiding spots.
  • Keep firewood and debris piles at least 20 feet away from the house.
  • Promptly deal with any other pest issues that may be attracting these predators.

The experts at EnviroGuard can help you prevent spiders in your home and the pests they seek as prey. Contact us today to learn more about our preventative home pest control services or to request a free inspection.

Professional Spider Control: When To Call In The Experts

If you find large numbers of spiders in your home or more dangerous species, it is time to call in the experts. EnviroGuard offers spider control near you to help protect your family and home from these problematic pests. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to get your free quote.