How To Keep Fleas & Ticks Away From Your San Antonio Property | EnviroGuard Pest Control

close up of flea

Property owners in the greater San Antonio region should understand the best practices for preventing dangerous flea and tick infestations. Both fleas and ticks are categorized as parasites that can consume the blood of humans, household pets, and wild animals.

Those with pets are among the most likely to struggle with these types of pests; therefore, consulting with a professional veterinarian is critical in preventing fleas and ticks.

There are more than 2,000 different types of fleas found throughout the world. The most common type of flea in this area is the Ctenocephalides Felix, or simply the “cat flea.” A cat flea will feed on cats, dogs, rodents, birds, and many other creatures. 

If one household pet develops fleas, any others that reside in the home are likely to be victimized. Fleas can reproduce quickly and soon be found in rooms throughout the premises. The four primary types of ticks that exist in this region include deer ticks, American dog ticks, lone star ticks, and brown dog ticks. 

What Are The Dangers Involving A Tick And Flea Infestation?

Tick and flea bites can pose a host of potential problems ranging from Lyme disease, tularemia, and flea allergy dermatitis or anemia in pets.

These types of parasites inject their saliva into hosts that contain agents that often create allergic reactions. Ticks crawl on people and pets and seek warm locations such as near the head, groin, or armpits, and their saliva can have a numbing-like effect. 

Why Are Fleas In My House?

Pets often encounter fleas that are brought onto the property by some other flea-infested animal that arrives on the premises. Ticks often encounter dogs in outdoor areas when the dog is moving through areas of weeds, high grass, or other vegetation. Once indoors, these problems tend to worsen quickly as eggs are positioned throughout the home. 

Tips For Flea And Tick Control

The following are some of the best tips for preventing fleas and ticks

  • Limit hiding places for fleas and ticks by keeping the grass cut short, weeds pulled, and shrubs and branches trimmed back away from the structure. 
  • Reduce the likelihood of wild animals traveling through the yard by installing a fence, keeping lids on trash cans, not feeding pets in exterior areas, and removing bird feeders. 
  • Routinely bathe and brush pets to limit any eggs and wash pet beds regularly in hot water. 
  • Vacuum carpeted areas regularly and change the vacuum bags when finished.

Responding Properly To A Tick Or Flea Infestation

Many property owners attempt to take matters into their own hands when they encounter problems associated with fleas and ticks. Many of these individuals purchase store-bought sprays, traps, and fogging kits, that tend to generate very mediocre results and are often insufficient for fully ousting a serious infestation. Keep in mind that these types of pests generally reproduce quickly, posing significant problems, and many of the do-it-yourself products are unable to kill their eggs that are still developing.

Contacting a licensed local pest control professional is the best means of responding to these concerns. Experienced technicians are also likely to operate in a manner that will ensure you, your pets, and the local environment that we share are all protected. The team at EnviroGuard Pest Control uses many of the products that are recommended by the EPA and other agencies that promote public safety.

Local Provider Of Pest Control Services In San Antonio

Did you know that EnviroGuard Pest Control has been providing solutions for home and business owners in this region for many years? We are adept and well-equipped to eliminate concerns involving rodents, bed bugs, termites, and a host of other unwanted creatures that will damage property and may create health risks. Contact us today to schedule a safety inspection.