What Every San Antonio Homeowner Should Know About Termite Damage

termite crawling on chewed wood

San Antonio is a great place to live because of the warm weather, historical attractions, watersports, fine dining, and cultural experiences. Tourists flock to the town we get to enjoy all year long. 

Although San Antonio is a fantastic place to live, it comes with its share of problem pests. One pest we battle in our part of the country is termites. Termites cost billions of dollars annually in damages destroying homes and draining checkbooks for costly repairs. Like our forefathers who took their stand at the Alamo, you must take a stand against termites before they decimate your home. The best army to fight a termite infestation is the San Antonio pest control team from EnviroGuard. Our trained fighting force has over 40 years of combined experience battling pests in Texas homes. 

Treating Your Home For Termites Yourself

We all want to save money, and many homeowners want to war against termites. Treating your home against termites is not as simple as you'd think, which is why professional termite control is the best option. Treating the house for termites requires the following:

  • Understanding the signs of termite infestation: Termites are not the only wood-boring pests. You don't want to gear up to fight termites when the battle is against carpenter ants. Fighting the wrong insect will not lead to good results.
  • Identification of the termite species: There are three prevalent termite species in San Antonio: eastern subterranean, Formosan termites, and drywood termites. There is a diversity in the habits, locations, and activities among the various termite species. Using the wrong methods to attack them will render fruitless results. 

Utilizing our professionals from EnviroGuard is the best plan of attack for San Antonio residents. However, employing the following will slow and control a termite infestation: 

  • Ventilate the crawlspace or basement and attic: The eastern subterranean and Formosan termites love moisture because wet environments cause wood to rot, which is their preferred wood source. 
  • Remove woodpiles from the house: Relocate firewood and mulch piles at least 20 feet away from the foundation of the home. Eliminate tree stumps within the same perimeter. 
  • Trim trees and shrubs: Cutting back the trees and shrubs provides maximum sunlight and airflow, reducing the moist areas that appeal to termites. 
  • Create space between wood and soil: A gap of at least 18 inches between dirt and lumber will discourage termites from attacking. 

Termite removal by EnviroGuard involves safe and effective pest control treatments tailored to the termite species infesting your San Antonio home. 

Is It Easy To Kill Off Termites Naturally?

If you search the internet, you will find tips to exterminate termites using natural ingredients like creating cardboard traps, salt and warm water, cayenne pepper, or oils from oranges. While these methods may work to kill termites on contact, eradication of a termite infestation in your home involves destroying their eggs and nests; these techniques will fail to end a termite invasion in your San Antonio home. 

Termite Damage Can Be Big Trouble For San Antonio Homeowners 

Different termites attack different areas in a house. For example, drywood termites infest dry wood found in the attic, home furnishings, door and window frames, and more. Subterranean termites work on rotting timber found in the crawlspace, subflooring, and anywhere wood is in contact with the soil. A mature colony of subterranean termites can consume five grams of wood daily equaling 2.3 feet of a 2x4 board each year. 

Professional Termite Control In San Antonio

The best termite control company for your San Antonio home is EnviroGuard Pest Control. We offer customized solutions to your termite problem. We will inspect your home, advise you on the most effective and safest options, and execute a treatment plan to get rid of termites in your San Antonio home. Contact us today, and we will stop the termites before they cause further damage.