Pest Spotlight: Formosan Termite Control In Austin

termite up close

Termites are "ant-like" insects with segmented bodies, six legs, and antennae. Termites consume cellulose, a substance found in wood. These pests can be very problematic when they invade wood structures on your property.  

What are some of the different kinds of termites in this region? Some termites that routinely plague properties in the Austin region include Formosan termites, subterranean termites, and drywood termites.  

How to remove termites from your property? The best outcomes typically result when the treatment is performed by a pest control expert. A licensed Austin pest control professional knows how to detect termites and the best ways of preventing subsequent intrusions. 

What Are Formosan Termites?

Formosan subterranean termites (Coptotermes formosanus) originated in Asia and arrived in the United States during the 1950s. Subterranean is a term that describes types of termites that form underground nests. Formosan termites appear white or beige and rapidly reproduce, as colonies might contain one million members.

Are termites harmful to humans? Formosan termites pose a minimal direct risk to human health; however, they can create very costly property damage. 

Signs Of A Formosan Termite Infestation

What are some of the common indications or signs of termites in homes? Winged termites often congregate in "swarms" as their mating season begins. Wood will often sound hollow when knocked on. In many cases, Formosan termites form aerial nests constructed of a "pulp-like" material. 

Six Tips To Prevent Formosan Termites In Austin

What are some of the best preventative measures homeowners should consider for termites? Some of the top strategies for preventing these pests include:  

  1. Keep the yard area around the home free of wood and other similar organic material.
  2. Consider alternatives to mulch for exterior beds. 
  3. Limit excessive moisture and humidity in basements and crawl spaces by maintaining adequate ventilation and using dehumidifiers. 
  4. Clean gutters and downspouts so water flows away from the home. 
  5. Promptly repair or replace wood that has water damage. 
  6. Create a barrier of inorganic material to prevent the structure's base from directly contacting the soil.  

Property owners should understand that termite infestations often go undetected for many weeks or months as these pests erode areas of your home. Therefore, after identifying a problem, you should take swift action and consult with a pest control professional. 

The Best Formosan Termite Control Solution In Austin

Are you wondering how to stop termites that have invaded a wood structure on your property? Termite infestations often quickly become unmanageable for those without the proper training and equipment to oust these pests. Speaking with a local pest management company is the best course of action.

Those who suspect their property has a termite infestation should contact us for assistance. We will deploy an EnviroGuard service professional to conduct a professional termite inspection. During this assessment, our expert will identify the presence of termites by looking in hard-to-see or hard-to-reach areas of the structure. Following the inspection, our service professional will explain the best available forms of treatment and address any questions that arise. 

We often choose a liquid treatment option that is a professional-grade product applied around the home's perimeter using a "trench and treat" method. Liquid product options are also used for spot treatments when needed. Our staff is equipped with specialized injectors that penetrate deep within walls in a foam-like form. 

We often deploy Trelona bait stations manufactured by BASF, representing a highly effective method of preventing termites. We also perform pretreatment services that prevent termites, which are applied during the home construction process. We always stand behind the quality of our termite control service with a satisfaction guarantee. Contact us today at EnviroGuard for further details.