Pest Spotlight: What You Need To Know About Earwig Control In Corpus Christi

an earwig on wood

Earwigs are very common in Texas, with multitudes of them hiding in the moist ground under logs and rocks. We don't encounter them often. These creatures are nocturnal and spend most of the day hiding. They feed on decaying matter, and other insects use their pincers as a weapon to hunt and defend themselves against predators.

Earwigs need a moist environment to survive because they dehydrate quickly in the full sun. They do not bite or carry infectious diseases, nor are they interested in the food you keep in your home. Earwigs live in large colonies and might look for a respite from the sun in your home, coming in through cracks or fissures in the walls and foundation.

Let's take a look at a few basic earwig facts, how to repel earwigs, and how to get rid of earwigs using reliable pest control in Corpus Christi if the DIY approach fails.

Earwigs Are Very Creepy Looking Pests

There are over 20 species of earwigs in the United States, and most of them are small insects, usually between 1/4 and 1 inch long, with long, narrow leathery-looking bodies, typically dark brown or black. They have four wings with the rear pair tucked in under the front ones and are easy to identify by a massive pair of pincers attached to their behind. Like most other insects, they have three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae almost as long as half the length of their body.

Do Earwigs Really Go Into Your Ear?

When we see earwigs, their appearance lays the foundation for many urban legends. From their leathery-looking skin to the huge pincers they sport on their backs, earwigs are an insect that's not likely to be forgotten once encountered. Thankfully most preconceived notions about them are far from the truth. Earwigs do not crawl into your ears at night and use their pincers to tunnel into your brain (an old wives' tale that resulted in this insect's unfortunate name). Nor can earwigs bite, but they will pinch your hand if handled. Fortunately, their pincers are rarely strong enough to pierce the skin and do not produce any venom. 

Factors That Attract Earwigs To Your Property

Earwigs in Corpus Christi are attracted to moist, well-protected spaces that emulate the conditions they are used to outside your home. They're likely to congregate in areas with more moisture, like the basement or crawl space, or around plumbing pipes and fixtures in your house. They can, however, move up to other regions of the house, looking for food.

To make your home unattractive to earwigs:

  • Don't stack firewood next to the house.
  • Get rid of bigger rocks and logs around the property they can hide under.
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture in the house, and ensure your basement and crawl space are well-ventilated.
  • Avoid letting the water build up around the perimeter of your home.

Since earwigs feed on half-rotten vegetation, a pile of decaying leaves will look like a treat to them. Some species of earwigs are known to snack on young plants and can be a serious issue in your garden.

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Earwigs In My House?

Earwigs multiply fast and live in large colonies, making earwig infestation a potentially serious problem for homeowners.

At EnviroGuard, we've been evicting earwigs and other invasive pests from homes for over 40 years. We have the knowledge, experience, and proper tools to make sure your  Corpus Christi house is free of earwigs, earwigs eggs, and other unwelcome visitors.

If you're dealing with an earwig infestation on your Corpus Christi property, give us a call today to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Corpus Christi.