Don't Let American Cockroaches In Bryan Take Over Your Home

close up of cockroach eating food

Seeing the largest cockroach in the country dash across your kitchen floor is a frightening sight. The American cockroach prefers to live indoors and has been plaguing homeowners for centuries. This big pest also carries harmful diseases, making it a major threat to your family's health and well-being.

Getting rid of American cockroaches on your own is next to impossible. Read on to learn more about the American cockroach and how the latest pest control methods from EnviroGuard work to protect your household.

What Do American Cockroaches In Bryan Look Like?

American cockroaches are the largest cockroaches that invade homes across the United States. They are also known as water bugs, palmetto bugs, and Bombay canary. It's believed that these pests were introduced to the country in the 1600s after migrating from Africa. They can be anywhere from an inch and a quarter to over two inches in length. American cockroaches are reddish-brown with a signature figure-eight pattern on the back of their head. They have six legs and two antennae.

In addition to spotting these insects in your home, a telltale sign of an American cockroach infestation is the presence of droppings. They look very similar to mouse droppings, and you will find them in the cockroaches’ dimly-lit hiding places. You may also notice cockroach eggs, which you will usually find stuck to objects and walls close to their food sources. Lastly, if there are enough cockroaches in your home, you might begin to smell an unpleasant, musty odor. 

Why Are American Cockroaches Dangerous?

Although they rarely bite and do not cause structural damage to homes, American cockroaches are a health risk. They are known carriers of harmful bacteria and pathogens that can make you and your family extremely ill. They can carry over 33 different types of diseases, including parasitic worms.

These filthy pests crawl through sewage, where germs attach to their bodies as they move around. Cockroaches then bring these pathogens into your home. If they gain access to any of your food, it becomes contaminated. When American cockroaches crawl across cooking surfaces, like your stove or kitchen countertops, contamination can occur without you suspecting. 

Some of the diseases American cockroaches carry and spread include:

  • Salmonellosis
  • E.coli
  • Typhoid fever
  • Dysentery
  • Cholera
  • Listeria
  • Leprosy

In addition to these harmful illnesses, cockroach fecal matter and saliva can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. At the first signs of cockroaches in your home, get in touch with a qualified exterminator like EnviroGuard.

Why Is It So Hard To Get Rid Of American Roaches In Homes?

There are many reasons why it's challenging to get rid of cockroaches. Many do-it-yourself methods and over-the-counter cockroach control products fail, which frustrates homeowners. Here's why these invaders are so hard to eradicate:

  • They have protective exoskeletons. American cockroaches have a tough outer shell that can withstand up to 900 times their body weight. This makes them very difficult to crush.
  • They can maneuver through tight spaces. Cockroaches flatten themselves to get through even the thinnest cracks.
  • They are hard to sneak up on and run very fast, making them impossible to catch.
  • They can live up to a week without a head.
  • Females can reproduce asexually without the need for a male partner. They reproduce rapidly and can lay up to 50 eggs at a time.

Don't waste your time, money, and energy on trying to eliminate these worrisome pests by yourself. The best way to kill cockroaches is to work with an exterminator.

The Secret To Effective American Cockroach Control

As soon as you are aware of an American cockroach infestation, contact the experts at EnviroGuard. We're a preferred provider of pest control in Bryan, and our environmentally-friendly treatment methods are guaranteed safe for your family and pets. Call us today to get a free quote on services.