Scorpions In Waco: A Comprehensive Identification And Control Guide

scorpion in sand

Most people are scared of arachnids, but the one arachnid that tends to bring out the most fear in people is the scorpion. These small creatures have a menacing appearance, featuring two claw-like pincers by their head and a large, intimidating stinger on their tail. If you see one of these animals on your property, it could be dangerous to try removing it on your own. Instead, you should get the help of a Waco pest control specialist. 

At EnviroGuard, we are a locally-owned company with a team of highly-trained professionals who know the best way to remove a scorpion from your property. Here is a look at how you can safely identify and control scorpions around your home.

How To Identify Common Types Of Scorpions

The most common type of scorpion found in Waco around homes is the striped bark scorpion. This scorpion may belong to the arachnid family, but it doesn't look like a spider or any other type of arachnid. It measures around 2 ½ inches long and has eight legs, two large pincers, and a long tail that curls up and hovers over its body when it feels threatened or is hunting prey. 

Striped bark scorpions have light-colored bodies that help them blend in with their surroundings. Usually, their bodies are tan or a pale yellow color. One of the most identifying features of this type of scorpion is the two long, black stripes that run down the length of its back. While these colors help them stay hidden in natural light, their bodies have a unique chemical compound that allows them to glow a bright bluish-green color underneath an ultraviolet light. 

Health Risks Of Scorpion Infestations

Striped bark scorpions are venomous creatures that use their stinger and venom to subdue small animals and insects. The venom is mildly toxic to people and usually causes numbness, severe pain, and mild swelling. However, a striped bark scorpion sting can cause serious side effects to some people. Usually, only small children and elderly adults are the only ones that experience serious side effects, which can include:

  • Severe seating
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Uncontrollable muscle spasms
  • High blood pressure
  • Unusual eye and head movements
  • Fast heart rate

Scorpions are not usually aggressive toward humans. In fact, they are afraid of people and large animals and do their best to stay as far away as possible. However, if they feel they are in danger, they will defend themselves against any potential predator of any size. A scorpion sting is rarely fatal, but children, anyone over 65, and people who develop severe symptoms should seek medical help as soon as possible if they are stung by a scorpion. 

Helpful Tips To Prevent Scorpions Around Your Home

Scorpions can overheat if they are in temperatures that are over 90°F for too long. Because of this, they usually only come out at night or find a shaded area to hang out in during the day. Removing excess vegetation and decorative items in your yard is one thing you can do to deter scorpions from invading your property. Other things you can do to keep scorpions away from your property include eliminating any insect infestation around your home and sealing off any potential entry points to keep them from coming inside. 

Professional Pest Control Makes The Best Scorpion Control

At EnviroGuard, our number one goal is to keep you and your family safe. Give us a call today to see how we can keep these potentially dangerous arachnids away with the help of our professional scorpion control plans.