Corpus Christi’s Silverfish Problem

silverfish on book

There are plenty of things to love about Texas and Corpus Christi, but its silverfish problem isn’t one of them. These critters can cause a lot of problems in your home. Here’s what local residents can do to identify silverfish, figure out where they may be hiding, understand the damage they do, and what you can do to combat silverfish with pest control in Corpus Christi

How To Identify Silverfish In Your Home

Fortunately, silverfish are one of the easier pests to identify. With three big bristles that protrude from their rear-ends, teardrop-shaped bodies, and silvery-metallic scales that make them look shiny, silverfish look like they belong in the aquarium, but these pests are more than capable of surviving on land. 

They get their name from the way they wriggle around using fish-like movement. Even young or nymph silverfish look very similar to adult silverfish, but they’re smaller in size. 

Where Silverfish Could Be Hiding

Since they’re nocturnal, you may not realize you’ve got silverfish in your home unless you discover their hiding spots. Generally, silverfish are drawn to the most humid parts of your home – like basements, attics, or even garages. For this reason, silverfish tend to be more attracted to homes that have existing moisture or humidity issues. 

These insects can hide in tiny cracks and crevices as well as ceiling soffits or skylights when they aren’t feeding – making them even more difficult for us to detect when we are looking for a silverfish infestation. 

The Damage Silverfish Can Do In Your Home

While it may be good news that silverfish aren’t known to bite or transmit diseases like some pests, that doesn’t mean a silverfish infestation will leave your home untouched. These pests can still cause plenty of damage, especially since they like to feed on materials in your home. 

Silverfish may chew on your wallpaper, books, or certain starchy food items, such as cereals, in your pantry. Not only can this contaminate your food supply, but silverfish can also leave chew marks or stains on your wallpaper and books. 

Since they already spend a lot of time in basements, garages, and other storage areas, silverfish have a tendency to get into personal belongings – like expensive books or priceless photo albums you don’t want to be damaged. 

How Can I Stop Silverfish From Getting Into My Home?

The number one way to stop silverfish from getting into your home is by using pest control in Corpus Christi, and the best choice is always EnviroGuard. With years of pest control experience and a reputation that speaks for itself, our eco-friendly and effective treatments can turn your Corpus Christi home back into a silverfish-free zone. 

If you know you’ve got silverfish, or you suspect you may have them because you’re finding evidence of an infestation, don’t wait for them to do more damage. Call us today at EnviroGuard to learn more about how we can help solve your silverfish problem.