Huntsville, AL's Complete Guide To Effective Bed Bug Control

up close image of a bed bug on a bed

Bed bugs are something that most people never want to encounter. Everyone has heard a horror story about someone needing to burn their sheets, replace their mattress, and more to get rid of the very small but very problematic bed bug.  Even though everyone would like to assume that bed bugs are something that happens only in horror movies, poorly run hotels, and other places known to be dirty and damp, the truth is that anyone can be affected by bed bugs. One of the best ways to combat bed bugs is to learn about what causes bed bugs. The team at EnviroGuard Pest Control wants to make sure you know what to do should you encounter bed bugs in Huntsville, or anywhere else in the country. 

Bed Bug Basics 

Bed bugs have been a pest that humans have dealt with for ages. These tiny little predators feed on blood, leaving small, itchy bites in their wake. Surprisingly, bedbugs do not carry a risk of disease; however, they do bring with them a variety of other problems. While humans are a common target, bed bugs often go after other warm-blooded animals including pets, birds, and other small animals. Bed bug control and prevention are possible; however, it is important to know what to look for. 

How To Identify Bed Bugs 

Adult bed bugs are just 1/5 of an inch long on average, and are oval-shaped with a flat body and oval-shaped head. Unfed adult bed bugs tend to be a deep brown in color, engorged bed bugs are reddish-brown after feeding, and nymphs are almost colorless. They have six legs, as well as a pair of antennae, and are found throughout the United States. Bed bugs do not have wings and are unable to fly.  

Signs Of Bed Bugs  

Adult bed bugs can be seen by the human eye; however, nymphs may be harder to find because they are smaller and paler. Here are some signs of infestation to look out for if you think you have bed bugs:

  • Bed bugs are often identified by small brown to reddish fecal spots they leave behind on mattresses, bedding, pillows, upholstery, walls, etc. These spots can be indicators of a bed bug infestation. 
  • Bed bugs bite and will leave behind bites on the arms and legs of people who sleep in the bed. Bed bug bites can swell and be itchy and quite bothersome. While they are painless at the time of the bite, most people will develop an allergic reaction, leading bed bug bites to become itchy and swollen. 
  • Bed bugs will leave behind molted skins, eggs, empty eggshells, or dead bugs. While these are all very small, they are visible to the human eye. 
  • Bed bugs are pretty tough and can survive in a wide range of temperatures from freezing up to about 122 degrees Fahrenheit. 

What Causes Bed Bugs  

Bed bug infestations can occur in any location where humans congregate together and reside for long periods of time. There is no one specific answer to what causes bed bugs because they come from many places. Public transportation, public spaces, hotel rooms, luggage, and our own homes are places where bed bugs can end up. Bed bugs are very good travelers and excellent hiders. They will hitch rides on suitcases, shoes, clothing, furniture, and more and end up being transported with these objects to new places. Bed bugs will also take up residence near baseboards, under carpets, inside mattresses, inside box springs, even inside walls, under wallpaper, and inside electrical plates. 

According to the National Pest Management Association's (NPMA) 2018 research, bed bugs can be found almost anywhere.  That research shows that bed bugs are most commonly found in: 

  • Single-family homes (91 percent) 
  • Apartments/condominiums (89 percent) 
  • Hotels/motels (68 percent), 
  • Nursing homes (59 percent) 
  • Schools and daycare centers (47 percent) 
  • Office buildings (46 percent) 
  • College dorms (45 percent) 
  • Hospitals (36 percent) 
  • Public transportation (19 percent) 

Bed bug control and prevention of infestations are very hard because bed bugs are so unpredictable, and the bugs themselves are so tiny. Because these little pests are so resilient, they can survive for a long time without food, and travel virtually undetected across very large distances. Bed bugs also reproduce very quickly with a single female laying an average of 500 eggs during her lifetime. Offspring mature and can reproduce quickly as well, and just a few bugs can turn into an infestation very quickly. They thrive between 70 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, a common temperature range to find in homes across the country. Getting rid of bed bugs is no easy task, so look to the professionals at EnviroGuard Pest Control as soon as you suspect an infestation. 

Professional Bed Bug Control 

Getting rid of bed bugs is one of the most incredibly challenging pest control problems to treat yourself. If you are not trained or familiar with the signs and symptoms of bed bugs and effective methods of bed bug control, they can be hard to find and identify. More than half of pest control professionals say bed bugs are the hardest bug to eradicate, according to an NPMA survey. Our pest control specialists at EnviroGuard Pest Control are ready for the challenge, and well versed in dealing with bed bugs. Before you throw out your pillows and burn your bedding, give the pest control specialists at EnviroGuard Pest Control a call.